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Taking in Youth

2024-10-02 15:58  浏览数:24  来源:小键人14767448    

Some people believe that it is better to take risks and explore new things when one is old
er. However, I firmly believe that it is far more advantageous to do so when young. Firstl
y, young people generally have fewer responsibilities. For example, a young adult may not
have a family to support or a mortgage to pay. This lack of heavy obligations means they c
an more freely pursue new opportunities without fearing the potential negative impacts on
others. They can take a gap year to travel around the world, trying various extreme sports
or exploring different cultures. Secondly, youth is a time of great adaptability. Young m
inds are more flexible and can quickly learn from new experiences. If a young person tries
a new business venture and fails, they are more likely to bounce back. They can easily ad
apt to the setback, learn from their mistakes, and use that knowledge in future endeavors.
In contrast, older people may find it more difficult to adapt to new situations due to th
eir long - established routines and potentially less flexible minds. In conclusion, while
taking risks at any age can have its rewards, the unique circumstances of youth, such as f
ewer responsibilities and greater adaptability, make it the prime time for exploring new t
hings and taking risks.


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