小键人14055586的《TED-Where will you be able to live in 20 years》成绩 - 打字成绩 - 在线打字练习(dazi.91xjr.com)

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本次成绩 2024/ 7/ 5 Fri
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TED-Where will you be able to live in 20 years 4325 2.0分钟 100% 148 CPM 18 0 及格,继续努力!
励志名言: 人不应该恐惧死亡,他应恐惧的是从来未曾真正地活过。 ——奥理略
Mohammadpur has always had a unique relationship with the weather. Located at the mouth of the Bay of Bengal, this coastal village was built on top of the Meghna River delta. Deltas are a kind of l...

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