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有一天她刚好获到了十条鳗鱼,于是将其送至余家孝敬余年迈老母。尽管对大多数中国人来说,鳗鱼是难得Some time later, of ten people came into her room and knelt down before her bed. How st的佳肴。但是余家从未杀生,遂余家的仆人们Mr. Yu's aged mother dreamed that a group就把这些鳗鱼放到一个大瓮里,准备哪天把它们放掉。 出于这个那个的原因 ,所有人都把瓮里的鳗鱼忘掉了。 久后,余的老母亲梦到了十个人走到她 Old Mrs. Yu woke up. She was confused by this weird dream. She didn't know how she was supposed to save anybody's life. 的房间里,并跪在她的床前。他们穿着奇特!人人着褐衣尖帽。他们说,“求求您发慈悲救救我们吧。”然后就走了。算命先生卜了一卦,察看了日期,并看了她的手相,说道:“贵人勿忧。此乃吉梦,非不祥之梦。有生灵期您相救。不在远程,就在贵舍。And you are pure beside me as a sleeping amber. 那么纯洁,如同静静的琥珀。 No one else, love, will sleep in my dreams. 再没有人,亲爱的,会在我的梦境中沉睡。 You will go, we will go together, 你会离去,我们一块儿离去, over the waters of time. 跨越时间的长河。 No one else will travel through the shadows with me. 再没有人会与我并肩穿越这黑暗, Only you, Evergreen, Ever sun, Ever moon. 只有你,是我常青的树,不灭的太阳,不落的月亮。 Your hands have already opened their delicate fists
  • 2022-07-08 21:27
    @a(O(∩_∩)O~548616)[顽皮小伊] 啊打错了,是小妹
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  • 2022-07-07 13:33
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