首页 练字文章 感谢信考研英二小作文


2021-11-05 16:54  浏览数:490  来源:小键人2074431    

Dear Wang Lei,
Thank you very much for those five wonderful days at your house!
Every moment was a delight.
I can't remember ever having enjoyed myself so thoroughly elsewhere.
This is to tell you again how much enjoyed the weekend in Hangzhou.
Everything was just perfect:the weather, your company, the beautiful surroundings-
no wonder I'm finding it difficult to get down to reading this morning!
The classroom life seems so dull and prosaic compared to the days in Hangzhou.
I hope you know how much I appreciate your hospitality and your thoughtful kindness to me.
I count myself fortunate indeed to have such a generous and charming friend as you.
I hope you will give me the chance to return your thoughtful kindness when you visit here


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