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2024-09-22 00:39  浏览数:40  来源:小键人13970234    

"Nowadays online virtual assets resulting from online games should be protected by laws or
regulations arouses public concern. Online computer games have enjoyed a tremendous
growth over recent years, and the consequent problems related to the protection of
virtual assets have become more and more prominent. People who support it hold that
online virtual assets cost owners lots of time and energy, so like other common products,
they have intrinsic value and should undoubtedly be protected by laws. However,
other people, though not against it, think that it is difficult to protect online virtual
assets by laws or regulations, because there are no relevant laws or regulations to
protect them until now. Therefore,they quite doubt that no viable solutions can be
implemented. As far as I am concerned, online virtual assets should be protected by
laws. However, it will take a long time to perfect the system of the protection of
virtual assets."


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