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2024-09-22 00:32  浏览数:5  来源:小键人13970234    

Let me tell you how a little pink house prepared me for my first workplace termination an
d set me on a path of resilience, grit and fearlessness. About 25 hours south of Atlanta i
s a little town of Wrens, Georgia, about 2,000 people. My grandmother lived in Wrens, Geor
gia, in a pink house nested off a dirt road, right off of East 88 highway. It had a massiv
e yard, the kind of yard that was made for little fiveyearold girls who liked to make mud
pies or run chicken races with their cousins to see who could run the fastest, the chicken
s or the cousins. That was summer at grandmother's house, and if I think about it, I can r
ememberand feel that Georgia sun on my face.


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