首页 练字文章 33-选修七-第三单元


2024-07-10 20:51  浏览数:239  来源:Linhieng    

Mark rented an accommodation with his pension near the shore.
He paid annual visits there to enjoy the vivid beauty in the depths of the pure sea.
Once, with his underwater telescope and flashlight,
Mark dived alone the boundary between the steep reef and
the area of seaweed conservation.
Suddenly, an awesome Antarctic seal with sharp teeth appeared opposite him.
Every cell in his body was scared to death.
But soon, he was aware that he wasn't the target of an attack.
With a neat wound in its lip caused by a shark,
this grey seal was washed upside down by the tides time after time.
But it tried to jog Mark as if to urge him to help it.
So, Mark abandoned fleeing away.
With its teamwork, Mark used a net to drag the seal to the shallow water.
Without pausing he helped it out after a simple operation and
settled it in a narrow cave by the seaside.
Every time he brought it tasty fish, it would yell and suck his hands happily.
Witnesses said their anecdotes reflected a magic dimension of the
relationship between humans and animals.


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