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2024-06-28 00:11  浏览数:39  来源:小键人14495495    

The graph reveals the number of shops closures and new shop
openings in a counctry from 2011 to 2018.
Overall,there were significant fluctuations in both shop closures and openings
throughout the period.
Initially, the number of new shop openings was higher
than closures remained stable at about 7000.
From 2013 to 2014, new store openings increased to 6000,
while closures peaked at nearly 8000.
In 2015, shop closures plummeted to around 500, the lowest point in the period,
while openings remained steady.
In contrast, new shop openings steadily declined, reaching approximately 3000 by 2018.
In conclusion,
from 2011 to 2018, shop closures showed consderable fluctuations ,
while new shop openings exhibeted a downward trend,
indicating a challenging environment for new businesses


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