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2023-11-08 23:00  浏览数:582  来源:小键人丸子头    

The Chinese government has been vigorously carrying out compulsory education(义务教育)
all the time so that every child have access to education. Since the Compulory Education
Law came into effect in 1986,the government has worked diligently to achieve the goal of
making compulsory education available throughout the country. Today ,children in China,
starting school at the age of six,receive a total of nine years of compulsory education
from primary school to junior high school. Since the fall semester of 2008,students during
compulsory education don't have to pay tuition fees. With the implementation of a series
of a series of education reform measures,the quality of China's compulsory education has
also been signficantly improved.


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