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Voyagers 1-Page 32

2023-08-22 23:23  浏览数:332  来源:我就是那

Following this event I endured three years of ritual abductions in which
I was physically taken from my bed at night and transported to a silent
spacecraft, escorted by a trio of identical gray beings. During my
encounters with the Greys I was subjected to frightening experiences
and medical procedures that I did not understand. Aboard the alien craft
I learned that the Greys worked in subordination to various other types
of non-human beings. In positions of authority were ominous creatures
that resembled large, upright insects, similar in structure to spiders and
wingless moths. The administrators who directed the activities of this
menagerie were tall, black robed beings with heavily boned faces and
deep blue skin.
Many years later I would understand that this plethora of
zoological wonders represented various sub-species within an
ET/interdimensional race based primarily in the Orion star system. In
their dealings with Earth they are known as the Zeta Reticuli, their
primary race strain being the blue faced Zephelium, the administrators
and directors of the lower ranking sub-species of Zeta. In recent times
the Zeta races began interacting with Earth around World War I and by
World War II they had established covert treaties with both the Nazi and
Allied governments, through which they were entitled to abductionexperimentation
rights on the unwitting public, in exchange for their
weapons technologies. Since the 1980s the Zeta have joined forces with
their ancient adversaries, the Dracos, a reptilian hybrid race whose
ancestry is also traced to the Orion star system. Both the Zeta and the
Dracos races share a common hidden objective of claiming sovereignty
over the territories of Earth. Collectively I refer to legions of the Zeta-
Dracos alliance and any other Visitors from elsewhere who hold
agendas that are detrimental to the evolution of humans, as the
Intruders. Between the ages of four and seven years I did not understand
such things, nor did I comprehend why this malevolent group of beings
had invaded my life, striking terror into my heart. I would never have
come to understand these events had it not been for the intervention of
another group of benevolent Visitors that collectively refer to
themselves as the Guardian Alliance.
- MCEO teachings


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