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人教版五上2单元story time

2022-11-20 13:07  浏览数:450  来源:liuyuze    

Zoom:"It's a new school year. I need to do some shopping."
Zip:"I'll help."
Zip:"We have English on Mondays and Wednesdays."
Zoom:"I need some notebooks and pencils."
Zip:"We have maths on Tuesdays."
Zoom:"I need a ruler."
Zip:"On Thursdays, we have art."
Zoom:"I need a box of crayons."
Zip:"We have PE on Fridays."
Zoom:"I want a new football, please. We can play with it on the weekend."
Zip:"I'm sorry, Zoom. We don't have enough money. I'll put back the football."
Zoom:"Oh, no!"


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