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2022-08-03 13:41  浏览数:375  来源:小键人7065314    

Ruth was g bookworm . Her nose was always buried in the pages of a book .
She wore big round glasses and was always teased for looking owlish . At
school , Ruth did not have friends . She often spent her recesses alone with
her books .One day the most popular girl in school , Joanne , approached her
and asked if she could sit down . Ruth felt shocked . Why would Joanne come
and talk to her ? Ruth nodded and Joanne sat down asking about the books
Ruth had read .Ruth started telling Joanne about the stories she had read.
Soon , they were laughing happily together . After that day Joanne often
spent her recess breaks with Ruth . They even studied together .Joanne was
very keen on doing well so Ruth , a scholarly girl ,helped coach her. On the day
of the examinations , Joanne was nervous .wished each other good luck and Ruth
told Joanne that she would surely do well , considering how hard Joanne had
studied . Sure enough , when the results were released , Joanne and Ruth were
the top pupils in class ! Joanne told Ruth that she was glad that they were good
friend. Ruth felt happy . She was proud to be friends with Joanne
and hoped that they would be friends for a long time.


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