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2022-06-01 15:39  浏览数:284  来源:华彬哥哥    

President Xi Jinping extended festive greetings to children all
over the country on Tuesday in a letter to congratulate
the China National Children's Center on its 40th anniversary.
In his message, Xi, who is also general secretary of the Communist Party of China
Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, wished all children
happy and healthy lives and progress in their learning ahead of the International
Children's Day, which falls on Wednesday.
Xi said in the letter that the China National Children's Center has stayed true
to its original aspiration and mission of fostering talents for the Party
and the nation, implementing the fundamental task of fostering virtue
through education and serving the nation's children.
The center should carry forward its glorious tradition, unite workers
devoted to children's welfare and endeavor to guide children's
development, protect their interests and rights and enlighten their future, he said.
He called on the institution to promote children's healthy and all-around
development with dedication and passion.
The center, affiliated with the All-China Women's Federation, was established in 1982
and was China's first national research institution dedicated to off-campus education
and children's development since the start of the nation's reform and opening-up.


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