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Topic : Education

2022-04-16 21:31  浏览数:701  来源:Evieee

Some practical skills such as money management should be taught in high school.
Do you agree or disagree?
Topic : Education
Type : Opinion
High School is the high time when teens put their very first step towards liberty.
If they may be knowledgeable with practical abilities, it will assist them enormously
in confronting real-world struggles. Practical skills like currency management can help
them in a better direction of the lifetime. Some may argue that technical skills are best
learnt in real life instead of the classroom.
Teens become adjusted allowance from their parents, and a few do part-time tasks to
finance their expenses. For example, many teens take loans to fulfil their
illegal actions like drinking, smoking, and drugs. Should they learn technical skills
such as cash management, they could sensibly take charge of their own lives and
keep out of problems. Some people today think technical abilities cannot be
educated in classrooms. As its name implies, it may be best learnt by handling life.
By way of instance, if cash management and risk management are taught in the course,
there is absolutely no assurance that students can succeed in life. He could be overly
risk-averse and prevent excellent cash-making tools like Forex, gambling, and
government bonds. If we look at influential individuals like Ambanis, they did
not learn practical classroom abilities; however, in actual life.
In summary, teaching technical abilities can alert and instruct teens to fight real-life
nuisances. Nevertheless, a few items can be best learnt by experience, and many
prosperous people gained experience through experimentation.


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