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Topic : Shopping

2022-04-16 21:27  浏览数:1365  来源:Evieee

Large shopping malls are replacing small shops. What is your opinion about this?
Topic : Shopping
Type : Opinion
Supermarkets are gaining popularity in several countries. Many people assert
that small local companies find it extremely difficult to survive amid accelerated
growth and development of supermarkets, and the regional communities would
perish as the regional businesses shut down. I disagree with this argument and
will try to clarify in this essay why so.
The reasons for supermarkets getting popular are manifold. Firstly, they provide a
single platform to clients where they can buy everything they need, ranging from
groceries to clothing, and much more. Consequently, they do not have to make
several stops at various stores to find the needful, making purchasing extraordinarily
convenient. Secondly, they offer several facilities such as car parking, bathrooms,
deli counters, resting areas to make shopping a comfortable and fun experience.
Thus, pulling an increasing number of customers and multiplying the business enterprise.
As more people choose to shop in supermarkets, local companies suffer loss and
eventually shut down. However, that, in no way, result in local communities' death.
Today's customers are resourceful and educated. They have the means of transport
and time to go to supermarkets as purchasing has changed into entertainment.
On the other hand, convenience stores still have a chance to survive by moving to
a place where there is sufficient clientage. All in all, local communities can travel to
supermarkets just lovely and can easily live in the absence of local convenience shops.
In conclusion, supermarkets have contributed to neighborhood businesses a challenging
moment. In my opinion, neighborhood stores can relocate to continue, and even if they
don't, local communities may endure by buying supermarkets because they're capable
of doing so.


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