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two job

2022-04-12 21:22  浏览数:425  来源:18838222452    

The contentious topic with regard to my supervisor has offered me a choice between
two positions has engendered an impassioned altercation. A considerable number of
people contend that I ought to choose position have some challenging, that can make
me get out from my comfortable-zone, whereas I predisposed to advocate that I would
choose a job that I can finish it every well. Undeniably it is indispensable to
acknowledge the significance that it is totally advantageous in this civilized society.
That is to say, if a job is toilsome to me, it would decline my enthusiasm of doing
this job. I would like to choose the position that I am intriguing in, then I could
finish the job in a short time, it can be beneficial to the company and me.


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