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2022-04-02 00:01  浏览数:280  来源:ZnX    

Okay, I am going to talk about a xxx, which is xxx. I want to introduce it to you because
it is such a memorable experience. Before I xxx. I used to think that xxx. Although there
were quite lots of xxx in China, it had never attracted my attention before.
Unexpectedly, I randomly xxx about two years ago when I was in college, which changed
my mind. I never took part in this kind of class before, and this one caught my attention
immediately. The xx was much more difficult to learn than I had expected. It took me two
months to learn the most basic movements, which was really time-consuming.
It gave me a chance to expose myself to xx and changed my point of view on certain
things, so I can expand my horizon. It was the xx that completely changed my
perspective on xx.
That is why I think the process of learning xx was so time-consuming.


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