小键人3097670的《Trees day》成绩 - 打字成绩 - 在线打字练习(dazi.91xjr.com)

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本次成绩 2024/ 10/ 1 Tue
英文文章 文章字数 测试时长 正确率 速度 退格数 出错数 成绩
Trees day 2771 1.0分钟 100% 179 CPM 9 0 良好,向更快挑战!
励志名言: 想哭就哭,想笑就笑,不要因为世界虚伪,你也变得虚伪了。 ——麦兜
竞赛信息:   小键人3097670 测试了 1, 最优秀成绩 15, 总竞赛人数 35, 竞赛击败百分比 60.0%
All of us have read thrilling stories in which the hero had only a limited and specified time to live. Sometimes it was as long as a year, sometimes as short as 24 hours. But always we were interes...

去打字就可以设置个性皮肤啦!(O ^ ~ ^ O)