盗我账号的都是答辩的《Law: Definition, Classification and Sources》成绩 - 打字成绩 - 在线打字练习(dazi.91xjr.com)

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盗我账号的都是答辩 PK 冷风周 打过的文章 《Law: Definition, Classification and Sources》,结果 胜利了,你比对方快了 224字/分 ,恭喜恭喜,继续保持哦!
本次成绩 2024/ 10/ 23 Wed
英文文章 文章字数 测试时长 正确率 速度 退格数 出错数 成绩
Law: Definition, Classification and Sources 4275 12.0分钟 5% 414 CPM 0 3980 不及格,错误太多!
本次出错字有: W,h,a,t,,i,s,,l,a,w,?,,T,h,o,u,g,h,,w,e,,u,s,e,t,h,e,,w,o,r,d,",l,a,w,",v,e,r,y,,o,f,t,e,n,,i,n,,o,u,r,d,a,i,l,y,l,i,f,e,,,w,e,u,s,e,,i,t,,i,n,,s,o,m,a,n,y,,w,a,y,s,,t,h,a,t,t,h,e,r,e,i,s,n,o,s,i,m,p,l,e,,a,n,s,w,e,r,,t,o,,t,h,i,s,,q,u,e,s,t,i,o,n,.,T,h,e,,d,e,f,i,n,i,t,i,o,n,,o,f,,l,a,w,,d,e,p,e,n,d,s,,o,n,,h,o,w,,w,e,,l,o,o,k,,a,t,,i,t,s,,p,u,r,p,o,s,e,s,,o,r,,f,u,n,c,t,i,o,n,s,.,A,,b,a,s,i,c,,p,u,r,p,o,s,e,o,f,l,a,w,,i,n,,o,u,r,,s,o,c,i,e,t,y,,i,s,,t,o,,m,a,i,n,t,a,i,n,,o,r,d,e,r,,a,n,d,,t,o,
励志名言: 老年时最大的安慰莫过于意识到,已把全部青春的力量都献给了永不衰老的事业。 ——叔本华
What is law? Though we use the word "law" very often in our daily life, we use it in so many ways that there is no simple answer to this question. The definition of law depends on how we look at its ...
向 【冷风周】 挑战

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