liuyansong222的《when adversity knocks(当困难来临)》成绩 - 打字成绩 - 在线打字练习(

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本次成绩 2024/ 9/ 20 Fri
英文文章 文章字数 测试时长 正确率 速度 退格数 出错数 成绩
when adversity knocks(当困难来临) 857 3.0分钟 6% 59 CPM 0 788 不及格,错误太多!
本次出错字有: A,s,h,a,w,a,s,g,e,t,t,i,n,g,f,r,u,s,t,r,a,t,e,d, ,a,n, ,t,i,r,e, ,o, ,l,i,f,e,,, ,s,o, ,s,h,e, ,a,s,e,d, ,h,e,r, ,f,a,t,h,e,r, ,w,h,t, ,t,o, ,d,o,.,H,e,r, ,f,a,t,h,e,r, ,t,o,l,d, ,h,e,r, ,t,o, ,b,r,i,n,g, ,a,n, ,e,g,g,,, ,t,w,o, ,t,e,a, ,l,e,a,v,e,,, ,a,n,d, ,a, ,p,o,t,a,t,o,.,H,e, ,t,h,e,n, ,b,r,o,u,g,h,t, ,o,u,t, ,t,h,r,e,e, ,v,e,s,s,e,l,s,,, ,f,i,l,l,e,d, ,t,h,e,m, ,w,i,t,h, ,w,a,t,e,r, ,a,n,d, ,p,l,a,c,e, ,t,h,e,m, ,o,n, ,t,h,e, ,s,t,o,v,e,.,O,n,c,e, ,t,h,e, ,w,a,t,e,r, ,w,a, ,b,o,i,i,n,g,,,
励志名言: 前门拒虎,后门进狼。 ——赵雪航
竞赛信息:   liuyansong222 测试了 1, 最优秀成绩 12, 总竞赛人数 14, 竞赛击败百分比 21.43%
Asha was getting frustrated and tired of life, so she asked her father what to do. Her father told her to bring an egg, two tea leaves, and a potato. He then brought out three vessels, filled them w...

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