小键人3123845的《Hot shots》成绩 - 打字成绩 - 在线打字练习(dazi.91xjr.com)

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本次成绩 2024/ 9/ 19 Thu
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Hot shots 3135 2.0分钟 100% 95 CPM 16 0 不及格,加强练习!
励志名言: 懒惰也是天生的,勤奋需自己努力,一放松就懒了。 ——杨绛
Why young South Koreans are posing in their underwear To show off the time (and money) they have spent with personal trainers LEE JI-HOON's younger clients have lately been making unusual requests. “...

去打字就可以设置个性皮肤啦!(O ^ ~ ^ O)