小键人14119042的《My Little Brother》成绩 - 打字成绩 - 在线打字练习(dazi.91xjr.com)

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本次成绩 2024/ 10/ 5 Sat
英文文章 文章字数 测试时长 正确率 速度 退格数 出错数 成绩
My Little Brother 508 3.9分钟 100% 128 CPM 2 2 及格,继续努力!
本次出错字有: ',"
励志名言: 其实,如果你足够强大,敢于挑战一下,你就会发现有些貌似强大的东西其实很脆弱。 ——孟非
I have a little brother. His name is John. He is only four years old. His face is round and his eyes are bright. He is very cute. He can't read and write because he doesn't go to school. This morning,...

去打字就可以设置个性皮肤啦!(O ^ ~ ^ O)