小键人14155773的《Don't Miss Out on Our Christmas 2024 Collection!》成绩 - 打字成绩 - 在线打字练习(dazi.91xjr.com)

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小键人14155773 PK 自己 打过的文章 《Don't Miss Out on Our Christmas 2024 Collection!》,结果 胜利了,你比对方快了 4字/分 ,恭喜恭喜,继续保持哦!
本次成绩 2024/ 7/ 7 Sun
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Don't Miss Out on Our Christmas 2024 Collection! 816 4.8分钟 100% 97 CPM 63 1 不及格,加强练习!
本次出错字有: -
励志名言: 宁愿做一朵篱下的野花,不愿做一朵受恩惠的蔷薇,与其逢迎献媚,偷取别人的欢心,毋宁被众人所鄙弃。 ——莎士比亚
Dear Mr. Alex, I hope this message finds you well. Just a friendly reminder about our new product catalog that I emailed you three days ago. We have some fantastic items that are perfect for making ...
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