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Tinsel the Christmas Elf

2021-12-21 16:50  浏览数:394  来源:小键人3758517    

All of santa's elves love Christmas, but there is no elf who loves Christmas
quite as much as Tinsel does. Tinsel the elf has lived with Santa came to
the North Pole, years and years ago. He is always filled to the brim
with holiday cheer, no matter what time of the year it is.
Tinsel knows all the words to every Christams carol ever written.
He knows all the best ways to decorate a Christmas tree,
bake the most delicious Christmas cookies, and bring
Christmas cheer to the other elves and reindeer. Even when Santa
and Mrs. Claus are feeling sick or sad, Tinsel, with his joyful
Christmas spirit, is sure to cheer them up every time.
Many years ago, Santa noticed Tinsel's remarkable
Christmas spirit, and so he appointed him Chief Christmas Spirit Elf.
"What a honor!" gasped Tinsel. "Only...what does a Chief Christmas Spirit Elf do?"
Santa chuckled merrily. "Your job, Tinsel, will be to bring Christmas cheer
to the children of the world. Each year, I will assign you to
a different boy or girl who needs some holiday spirit,
and it will be your job to cheer them the true spirit of the season."
Tinsel was very excited to begin his job! His very first assignment involved
a little boy named Timothy, who was too sad to enjoy Christmas
because his father had died earlier that year.
Tinsel spent the whole Christmas season with Timothy. The two of them
became great friends, and soon Timothy learned to laugh and have fun again.
Because of this, he made even more new friends. Tinsel also helped Timothy
learn to work in the woodcarver's shop that Timothy's father had owned
and operated. Working in the shop made Timothy feel close to his father.
Just before Christmas, Tinsel found a carved wooden horse that Timothy's father
had never had a chance to give Timothy. Late on Christmas Eve, Tinsel wrapped
the hose in paper, tied it with a ribbon, and placed it beneath Timothy's Christmas
tree. You can only imagine how touched and overjoyed Timothy was on Christmas
morning when he discovered one last gift from his beloved father!
"Well done, Tinsel!" Santa exclaimed when Tinsel reported back to the North Pole
that Christmas afternoon. "You brought Christmas cheer to Timothy
when he needed it the most!"
Tinsel blushed and ducked his head, but Santa's praise made hime feel wonderful.
As the years went by, Tinsel brought the Christmas Spirit to boys and girls in
every country of the world Because of his caring smile, warm heart, the spring
in his step, and his incredible love for Christmas, the lives of children
all around the globe were transformed. Tinsel couldn't think of any job
he would like more than this one. For a Christmasloving elf like him, what was better
than spreading the true joy of Christmas all around the world?


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