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What should we learn from college?

2021-12-19 16:53  浏览数:569  来源:YYDPL    

When students go to the college, of course we feel excited and honored to be part of
the wisdom. We fantasize about college life countless times, because we are taught that
college life is free. Next let me talk about my fantasy about college.
First of all, as a student, study comes before everything. Because to strengthen
oneself through study is the kingcraft forever. Besides study, the ability to deal
with relationships is also what we have thought. In college, school has become
our new place of life, in order to integrate more here, we need to learn how to
get along with roommates and classmates. Last but not least, we have thought
about in the college to talk about a sweet love, of course, this is not important
to learn.
All in all, during the college, we should make use of all kinds of resources and
make us stronger.


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