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2021-12-18 20:52  浏览数:615  来源:小键人4072677    

When learning a foreign language, the four skills (listening, speaking,
reading, and writing) are equally important, do you agree or disagree?
In this day and age, in order to master a foreign language in a more
efficient way, individuals start to discuss which language skill among
the basic four (listening, speaking, reading, and writing) should be stressed
when learning. Personally, I am of one school of thought that those four skills
are as crucial as one another.
The importance of one skill can be indicated by the frequency of usage when
practicing this language. From my perspective, the four capabilities share an identical
use rate. To be more specific, communications with others requires the ability to listen
and speaking; analogously, leaving comments online demands capacities of reading
and writing. As a consequence, in daily life, all of the four skills will be practiced,
which signals that, to some extent, they are as consequential as one another.
The importance of one skill can also be embodied by the priority of fostering while
studying that language. However, it can be argued that usually will the four
skills be practiced together by learners. For instance, while building vocabularies
through reading,the words learned can also be employed in writing. Similarly,
listening to how a native speaker speaks, individuals can attempt to emulate their
ways of pronouncing and use them when practicing speaking. Therefore, there is
no priority existing among these four skills, meaning that they are of equal significance.
In conclusion, owing to the fact that all those four skills share the same frequency
of usage, and there is no priority when fostering,
it is safe to say that they are equally important.


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