首页 练字文章 考研英语二小作文


2021-12-17 16:48  浏览数:473  来源:小键人2074431

Dear Professor Cook,
I believe that everything is going awesome with you.
I am writing you this letter
with an aim to recommend some tourist attractions in my city as follows.
Firstly,you can pay a visit to the city museum
which can enable you to get the better knowledge of the history of my city.
Plus,it is an awesome idea to walk around the No.1 park
where you can get close to the local life.
Finally, the food market must also be mentioned
if you are willing to try some traditional food there.
I hope my recommendation will be useful,
and you will have a great time in my city.
Your prompt attention to this letter will be highly appreciated.
Yours sincerely,
Li Ming


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