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Little Red Riding Hood

2021-12-11 15:22  浏览数:417  来源:小键人3933278    

Once upon a time there was a lovely little girl, she always took her grandmother's
red hat,so everyone called her "Little Red Riding Hood".
One day, my mother said to Little Red Riding Hood, "Come on, Little Red Riding
Hood, there is a cake and a bottle of wine, Grandma is sick, quickly to grandma to send.
" Be careful on the road! ”
Little Red Riding Hood said to his mother, "Okay, I'll be careful." I went to see
Grandma! "Little Red Riding Hood is happy to go.
No sooner had she entered the forest than she came across a wolf.
The wolf said, "Hello, Little Red Riding Hood!" Where are we going? ”
Little Red Riding Hood said, "I'm going to Grandma's house." Grandma was ill,
and I brought her delicious cakes and wine. ”
The wolf said, "Where does your grandmother live, Little Red Riding Hood?" ”
Little Red Riding Hood said, "Grandma's house is under three big trees." ”
The wolf thought, "I'm going to eat both of them." So it said to Little Red Riding Hood,
"Little Red Riding Hood, you see how beautiful these flowers are around!"
Pick it up for your grandmother, she will be very happy. ”
Little Red Riding Hood thought: "yes, these flowers are so beautiful,
Grandma will be very happy." So she began to pick flowers.
At this time, the wolf ran to Grandma's house and swallowed Grandma into his stomach.
Then put on grandma's clothes, put on her hat, and lie in bed.
After a while, little red hat came to grandma's house, went to grandma's bedside,
the wolf from the quilt suddenly pounced, a mouthful of little red hat swallowed into the
stomach.the wolf was full, lay down on the bed and fell asleep.
A hunter walked by to see grandma's door was open, so he went in to see the wolf lying in
bed, his stomach still moving, so the hunter picked up a pair of scissors,
cut the wolf's stomach open.
Little Red Riding Hood and Grandma were both rescued, and the hunter brought a few large
stones and stuffed them into the wolf's stomach. The wolf woke up and tried to escape,
but the stones were so heavy that it fell to the ground and died.
They were so happy that Grandma felt much better after eating the cake and wine brought
by Little Red Riding Hood.


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