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2021-12-08 16:55  浏览数:467  来源:小键人3851442    

1. This is a wonderful opportunity. You would be foolish to let it slip by
2.Compared with last year, our exports have increased by 20%.
3. For want of a better word, let's call it “backdoorism”
4.This young man is fond of fixing things. He is something of a Jack of all trades.
5.Compared to their parents'generation, young people today
consider them to be a more practical generation.
6.His face went/turned blue with anger.
He was determined to nip the mass protest in the bud.
7.It is a long story. but I won't go into the history today.
8.It took us much more time than we had expected to go through the customs.
9.The power went out suddenly,and the whole city was thrown into complete darkness.
10.Don't wait for me.You go ahead.I must go over this document
11. We cannot deny the fact that we have paid dearly for our economic development.
12.Had the firemen arrived a bit later,the fire would have spread to the nearby oil tanks.


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