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2021-12-07 10:56  浏览数:436  来源:小键人3851442    

1.It seemed impossible to me,but all the others looked quite confident.
2.We looked around .There was not a buliding standing .
The earthquake seemed to destoryed everything.
3.He seems to be in a bad mood these days. I wonder why.
I think it is because he does not seemed to be making much more progress in his studies.
He is afraid of being looked down on by his classmate.
4.What are you looking for ,Dick? I think have lost my keys ,how nasty
5.If you find a word that does not seem to make any sence in the sentence,
you should look it up in the dictionary,that is the only way to learn to use a word.
6.They continued arguing for hours.Neither was willing to listening to the other.
I suddenly remembered someone saying
“ disscission is an exchange of knoeledge while arguement is an exchange of ignorence.
7.The situation there seems to be very complex.
The goverment has promised to look into it.
8.My gradpa seems to getting better and beter
,but she still need somebody to take care of him.
9.Economists have already come to a conclusion that
the crisis seems to be coming to an end .
World economy is getting better
10.When l got well l looked at my bank account.To my sadness ,
l found my balance was almost zero.All my savings in the past three years were gone.


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