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2021-11-28 16:56  浏览数:300  来源:栗子打字超厉害    

There is no doubt that A has a tremendous impact on current society. Some people point out
that A may lead to a series of concerns in one’s life, whereas others disagree.
Personally speaking, I think the pros of A are as great as the cons, which can be
supported by the reasons as follows.
The key advantage of A is that A will contribute to C1. To be more specific,
A can enhance the productivity/quality/efficiency of B1 when it comes to today’s
ever-changing community, which will ultimately realize the gravity of C1.
This can be established by a recent study by Oxford University, which stated that 78%
of people who voted A can substantially give rise to the excellence of C1.
On the other hand, the main downside is that the loopholes of A can be deeply associated
with C2. To illustrate, A will easily cause massive detriments in C2 due to the high
possibility of B2, imposing far-reaching effects. According to the annual report of the
Australian government, more than 68% of the citizens believed that there was a solid
relationship between A and C2.
With all the points above, the conclusion can be made that A has both benefits and
problems not only for individuals but also society. In this regard, governments must
devote sufficient funding, and public awareness should be raised to improve the situation.


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