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2021-11-24 19:09  浏览数:397  来源:-sun    

China is the hometown of tea and the birthplace of tea culture.
Since ancient times, tea has been known as the "national drink" of China.
In both the Chinese scholars' seven daily necessities, namely music, chess,
calligraphy, painting, poetry, wine and tea and common people's seven ones,
namely firewood, rice, oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar and tea, tea is listed as one
of the necessities. Meanwhile, China is a country with ancient civilization and
a land of courtesy. The practice of making and serving tea is essential whenever
there are guests or friends. With the development of cultural exchange, commerce and
trade between China and other countries, Chinese tea and tea culture spread to the world.
Today, a number of countries across the five continents grow tea plants,
and many countries import tea from China. Chinese tea, like Chinese silk and chinaware,
has become synonymous with China in the world.


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