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Teacher's salaries

2021-11-22 17:54  浏览数:555  来源:小键人3654237    

Education, the foundation of a country’s future development, has been valued and
triggers a heated discussion over the approaches of improving its quality. Teachers’
incomes, in some people’s views, bear little connection with the quality of teaching.
Contrary to these people’s opinions is my perspective that increasing the salaries of
instructors leads to a quality education, due to the contributions to students and
What must be prioritized is that raising the level of teachers’ salaries, compared with
keeping their incomes stable, places students as beneficiaries, by encouraging teachers
to adopt various teaching methods and devote more time to education. To begin with,
it is high level of incomes that will motivate teachers to diversify their instructional
methods. In detail, the more salaries teachers earn, the more motivation they will
show in involving their students in classes, by applying various methods, such as
group discussions and presentations; however, the enthusiasm in adopting distinct
pedagogical approaches will dampen if a person does not enjoy a high earning.
Moreover, with higher incomes, teachers will distribute more time to their students.
To explain it further, when earning more money, teachers are more willing to spend
their time, even their leisure time, in addressing students’ questions, checking
assignments, and proposing vocational plans to their students; on the other hand, such
time, essential to students’ academic performance and professional development, will
not be attributed by a low-earning teacher.
What should be equally worth discussing is that possessing a large quantity of money,
teachers, themselves, will reap benefits, including the existing ones and potential ones.
Initially, only by raising the level of salaries of teachers can a country benefit
permanent teachers. Specifically, with higher salaries, not only will teachers attend
courses to enrich knowledge base, but also they can travel abroad to broaden their
horizon, boosting their competitiveness; in contrary, such self-improvement
opportunities, including signing for classes and traveling overseas, will not be seized
when a teacher lacks money. In addition, high salaries in the education field,
undoubtedly, will attract talents from other professions. In detail, it is appealing to
boost the level of salaries to teachers, which engage professional programmers,
prestigious scientists and excellent sportsmen into education, and consequently
promote the quality of education of a country; on the contrary, how could these elites
in various fields commit themselves to being teachers, considered as low-earning
groups in general, if the government does not provide sufficient welfare to teachers?
Students, the future of the social development, will be benefited when teachers
receive higher salaries. Teachers, the determinants in the quality of education, will
harvest advantages with higher incomes. To conclude, only when a country raises the
salaries of teachers can it enhance the quality of education.


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