首页 练字文章 年轻人不再依赖家长


2021-10-24 16:20  浏览数:961  来源:小键人3179265    

First of all, because the diversified development of society has brought more
opportunities to young people, they are facing less money problems, which
makes them become more independent from their parents. Earning enough
money by young people is not an easy thing.They need to study practical te
chniques after graduated from school and spend long time practicing. But n
ow, it is possible for young people to get money from different ways. My bes
t friend is a compelling example of this. He likes photography very much sinc
e he was a young boy. Even though this is not his major, he is still not bad at
taking picture whatever the landscape or portrait. By showing his works on un
iversity, more and more schoolmates spend money asking him to take custo
mized photos because it is not as expensive as the photo shop. After that, he
became very independent and even use the money he earned to reduce the f
amily financial problems. And there are a lot of other part-time jobs for youn
g people such as being a network blogger, it also brings benefits to us. With
the help of our developing society, young people could take more chances
to make money by themselves.
Moreover, young people no longer rely on their parents to solve problems in
daily life. As the technology development such as internet, almost all kinds
of questions can be answered through the website. Young people can solve
their problems by themselves of others help form the Internet. My own story
serves as a good example here. Last weeks I wanted to buy a book about
botanic urgently, but our little towns book store did not sell that book.
The seller told me he was not sure may that book would be sell in the biggest
bookstore in the center of the city where is far from my home. However, I wa
s too busy with my homework to find the book. Without the help of internet,
I would definitely ask my fathers help for buying that book. But finally I just
spend little minutes find the book which sold in online bookstores, and I pay
a little extra money for fast delivery of the book and solve the problem
easily. Besides, I also use the Internet to acquire new knowledge which my
parents not familiar with. Therefore, the development of technology
really helps to improve our quality of life, especially for the young people
who can absorb this information quickly. As a result, young people not
need too much help from their parents.


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