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2021-09-10 12:43  浏览数:791  来源:惠姑娘    

Infrastructure is the key area of China Timor-Leste practical cooperation, in which
Chinese enterprise have actively and widely participated. At present, there are
approximately 20 Chinese enterprises operated in areas related to infrastructure. Among
them, China Harbor whose parent company is China Communications Construction Company
(CCCC), a Global Fortune 500, is one of the companies that has the integrated ability of
investment, construction and operation covering the whole industrial chain. Generally
speaking, Chinese companies enjoy good management, expertise and advanced technologies in
construction of urban buildings, roads and bridges, airports and seaports, having made
great contributions to the infrastructure development of Timor-Leste. As the contractors
in Timor-Leste, Chinese companies go through the international bidding that are open, fair
and transparent on the same footing with others and finally they win. Not only have they
saved much infrastructural costs for Timor-Leste government, but also they created many
job opportunities for the local people, who were trained to be shilled workers,
contributing to the economic diversification and sustainable development of Timor-Leste.
At the same time, Chinese companies actively take on social responsibilities. They repair
rural roads, bridges and schools for local villages and communities free of charge,
trying to integrate into local community and build harmonious relations. I hope the
Chinese companies will continue the good practice to be hardworking, down to earth and
efficient in their work, abide by the local laws, improve environment protection measures,
localize their management, carry out social responsibilities to serve the local and
contribute to the social and economic development of Timor-Leste.


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