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Medical dispute

2021-08-11 10:54  浏览数:600  来源:小键人2494011

As is vividly in the two pictures,a patient cooperates positively with a doctor 30 years a
go in the left drawing,whereas in the right picture,a patient,for one reason or another,in
sults and hits a doctor unexpectedly 30 years later,which convey to us that the doctor-pat
ient relationship has been tenser recently.I assert that the three most important reasons
lead to the poor relationship between doctors and patients.Firstly,some doctors' attitude
is so worse that it makes patients uncomfortable.They lack basic communication.Secondly,a
track of doctors cannot clarify the state of illness for poor knowledge and skills about
their own specialty.Finally,patients always believe the hospital charges high fees,and no
matter how illness they get,they have to do numerous examinations they think is unnecessa
ry in the hospital.How shall we build a harmony human relationship between doctors and pat
ients?On the one hand,it is high time that authorities concerned laid out tough regulation
s and laws against the fact that the doctors-patients relationship has been worse in recen
t years.On the other hand,we should let people know medicine can't do everything and not a
ll patients can be cured,but medical science has been moving forward constantly.Therefore,
doctors and patients are supposed to trust each other.Only in this way can we make a harmo
nious doctors-patients relationship.


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