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Skin to skin

2021-07-28 15:59  浏览数:527  来源:有时练字的周静同学

Take your time
Love me in the middle of your lowest night
I'll sure to lift you if promise me
Give me your affection
And your honest
If I could feel your touch
If I cold be your love
I wanna go beyond
I wanna go to far
Now tell me I'm the only one
Skin to skin
Take your time
I'll be right here with you in the longest fight
Never will neglect you I'll stay by your side
Never would direct you
If I'm left behind
Will I still feel your touch
Will I still be your love
I wanna go beyond
I wanna go to far
Now tell me I'm the only one
Skin to skin


去打字就可以设置个性皮肤啦!(O ^ ~ ^ O)