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2024-10-28 16:36  浏览数:38  来源:憨蛋你磁铁又空了啊啊啊    

When I was ten years old, I didn't feel happy. I liked drawing, but my mother
kept on shouting, If you have time, work hard at your lessons! I enjoyed playing
football, but my grandmother often cried, Aren't you a girl? Can't you be quiet?
I was fond of fishing, but my teacher frightened me by saying, You will fall into
the river some day. So it seemed that everyone around me thought I was doing
foolish things. One day my father asked me, Are you happy? No, I said, I am foolish
and always do wrong things. No one likes me. But I am proud of you, Father said.
You draw well, you play football and fish well, don't you? Yes Then I said sadly, But
I can't get the highest marks! Never mind, Cheer up and believe in yourself. After
that talk, I felt I was happy again. I began to enjoy my life. Believe in yourself. I
said it to myself again and again in my mind.


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