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My First Band

2024-10-27 23:17  浏览数:23  来源:小键人14635184    

I am very sentitive to music,Just dipping into the music book briefly.
I could sing and prefrom better. To the honest, I aways dream of become
a famous folk actor, I was so confident that never decreased my devotion.
I fromed my first band called"Rolling Frog ". At the begining, we relied to
preforming on instrumentsin plubs or to passer--by to earn extra money in
cash. Then we wore false bread to pretend to be the musicians whom people
were familiar with. In addition, we attached humorous acts to our performances
and play joyes on each other. Soon, our "funny jass"becoming famous and
invitation to perform for broadcast station begab to come. Afterwards, we
sorted out attractive music and made a record in a studio. A million or so
copied we sold and we became a millonaires.
It was painful that the band broke up finally. But above all, I realized my dream
to be a musician.


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