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A Rough Start is The Best Start

2024-10-24 18:11  浏览数:34  来源:八万yolo    

A rough start is actually the best start. If you want to do something, just dive in, even
if it's messy and imperfect. Let go of any worries about success or failure. Don't wait
until you're fully prepared-just start working on it slowly over time. You'll soon realize
that your skills are rapidly improving, and suddenly, you're getting really good at it.
Once you begin, things will get easier, the positive feedback will build, and progress
will follow. So when you feel stuck, just do something, anything-pretend you're
confident, even if you're not. This is the process of moving from low to high, from slow
to fast-gradually building until you reach a breakthrough.
Doing a poor job is still better than doing nothing at all.
Get it done first, then perfect it later. Also, don't be afraid in advance.
What many people don't realize is that our mental fears and worries have little to do
with real dangers in life. Most of the fear, anxiety, stress, and unease we feel comes
from imagining things that might happen, not from actual events.
It's okay to make mistakes as long as you clean them up.
If you don't get it right the first time, no worries-just keep trying.
And if after trying you find it's not for you, that's fine too. No one is perfect at
everything. The key is to never give up on yourself. You need to keep going,
for your own sake.
If you want to achieve something meaningful, the real turning pointcomes from action.
The only thing you need to do is to keep trying, keep working, and keep experimenting.
Even if your initial results are terrible, don't worry. As long as you stay active,
keep executing, focus on improving, and remain determined, your outcomes will only get
better and better over time.


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