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A picture of spring

2024-10-24 14:46  浏览数:44  来源:小键人14839703    

Spring, is a wonderful painter of nature carefully painted a colorful picture.When the win
ter wind gradually recedes, the pace of spring quietly approaches. The first to perceive s
pring is the grass that has been sleeping for a winter. They seem to hear the call of spri
ng, poking their green heads out of the earth, and looking at the new world with wonder. C
rowded together, they laid a soft green carpet on the earth.The spring breeze is like a ge
ntle hand touching everything in the world. It ruffled a pool of spring water, causing rip
ples on the calm surface of the lake. The weeping willows by the lake are also waving thei
r soft branches under the spring breeze, as if they were an elegant dancer, showing their
graceful posture to the full. The fresh green shoots on the willow are like a string of gr
een gems, shining with the light of life in the sun.Spring flowers are the most gorgeous c
olors in this picture. Pink peach blossom, blooming in the branches, like a piece of beaut
iful clouds. Apricot flowers as white as snow, elegant and fresh, emitting a light fragran
ce. And the golden rapeseed flowers, like a golden ocean, endless. All kinds of flowers, r
ed like fire, pink like clouds, white like snow, they set off each other, together constit
ute a colorful world.Spring rain is the messenger of spring. It is like cow hair, like fil
aments, gently falling down. Spring rain moistens the earth, making everything recover and
full of vitality. Under the baptism of spring rain, the leaves are more green, and the fl
owers are more beautiful. The wheat seedlings in the field happily sucked up the rain and
worked hard to grow.Spring is also a paradise for birds. They sing merrily in the branches
, as if they are playing a wonderful concert for the spring. The swallow returns from the
south, shuttling between the blue sky and white clouds, adding a smart beauty to the sprin
g.Spring, full of hope and vitality. It makes people feel the power and beauty of life. In
spring, people go out of their homes to embrace nature and feel the warmth and beauty of
spring. The children were laughing and playing on the grass, and the kite flying figures w
ere particularly cheerful under the blue sky. The old people are sitting on the park bench
es, enjoying the spring sunshine, with happy smiles on their faces.Spring is a new beginni
ng. It allows us to forget the troubles and fatigue of the past and meet the challenges of
the future with confidence. Let us cherish this beautiful spring, feel its warmth, beauty
and vitality with our hearts, and leave our own wonderful stroke in the picture of spring


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