首页 练字文章 (英文)甲虫兽Tentomon


2024-10-18 00:00  浏览数:23  来源:phulash    

The prototypical Insectoid Digimon,
Tentomon has a hard carapace but a low level of aggression.
Tentomon has one claw on each of its forelegs,
and four claws on its middle and hind legs.
Its middle legs in particular are highly dexterous, similar to human hands.
Though other Insectoid Digimon of Tentomon's Digivolution level are
consumed by a strong fighting spirit,
Tentomon retains a love and appreciation for nature at this stage.
Exhibiting a fondness for relaxation,
Tentomon will stop to smell flowers and nap in the shade of trees.
Even so, it does have the special move Super Shocker,
which involves using its wings to shoot out amplified bolts of static electricity.
Origin of name:
Tento: Short for tentoumushi, which means ladybug.


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