首页 练字文章 (英文)比丘兽Biyomon


2024-10-16 00:08  浏览数:40  来源:phulash    

A Baby Bird Digimon with arm-like wings.
Biyomon can use these to dexterously grip objects,
though this limits its ability to fly.
Biyomon spends most of its time on the ground,
but can escape into the air when danger draws near.
Since it's similar in flying ability to Patamon,
Biyomon sees Patamon as a rival.
Biyomon's dream is to one day Digivolve into Birdramon and fly freely through the sky.
Its nightmare is becoming Kokatorimon, who cannot fly at all.
Possessed of an inquisitive mind,
Biyomon likes to peck at the sprout growing from Tanemon's head.
Biyomon's special move is Spiral Twister, an attack of spectral flames.
Origin of name:
Piyo: Comes from Piyopiyo, which is the sound of chirping.
Biyo: Is a corruption of Piyo.


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