首页 练字文章 (英文)加布兽Gabumon


2024-10-15 14:13  浏览数:50  来源:phulash    

Despite being covered in fur, this is a full-fledged Reptile Digimon.
Gabumon is an extremely shy, timid creature,
always gathering up the data Garurumon leaves behind and wearing it like a pelt.
Since other Digimon are fearful of Garurumon's pelt, this also serves to protect Gabumon.
While wearing the pelt, Gabumon's personality is completely reversed.
Its special move is Blue Blaster.
X Antibody
Effects of the X Antibody on Gabumon's DigiCore:
Though originally classified as a Reptile Digimon,
Gabumon (X Antibody) has made itself a Beast type by taking in the
data of the Beast pelt it's so fond of.
While Gabumon (X Antibody) itself is still naturally shy and timid,
it favors a ferocious fighting style when wearing the pelt,
and has become capable of attacking with the agile movements of a Beast Digimon.
Similarly, it's learned to store up a Blue Blaster in its right hand
so it can hit foes with a Blue Blaster Hook.
For this reason, it no longer wears its precious pelt over its right hand.


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