首页 练字文章 3.4


2024-10-11 13:40  浏览数:137  来源:pennypan    

1. We accept the order subject to payment in advance.
2. We shall begin placing orders as soon as we have signed the contract.
3. We execute all orders in rotation.
4. Please let us have a confirmation of this order.
5. As you cannot deliver before Christmas, we must cancel the order.
6. Please favor us with an order.
7. I'll have this quote ready for you.
8. We expect to ship your order sometime next month.
9. We are unable to execute an order in the time requested.
10. We recommend a trial order of 5 tons.
11. While thanking you for your order, we have to explain that
supplies of raw materials are becoming difficult to obtain and
we have no alternative but to decline your order.
12. We have received your letter of May 4 and should be glad
if you would accept out order for the following goods.
13. It was a very unpleasant surprise to learn that the terms
and conditions we finally agreed upon had been turned down by your company.
14. Although the prevailing quotes are somewhat higher,
we will accept the order on the same terms as before
with the view of encouraging business.
15. Your order is receiving our immediate attention
and you can depend on us to effect delivery well within your time limit.


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