2024-09-26 16:06  浏览数:74  来源:只因你    

This is where the beloved characters of Hercule Poirot and Caotain Hastings were first
introduced to the world in a classic detective fiction novel.
The tale unfolds as Captain Hastings, in the First World War, receives an invitation from
his old friend John Cavendish to spend his sick leave at the enchanting Styles Court in
Amidst the serene surroundings, Hastings encounters John's step-mother, Mrs. Inglethorp,
and her recently-wedded hus-band, Alfred, setting the stage for a seemingly idylliec
However, a disquieting realization dawns upon Hastings as he senses an underlying
unease within the tranquil estate. The tranquility shatters when Mrs. Inglethorp is
discovered poisoned, casting suspicion upon the family members, prompting the need for
a thorough investigation.
In a twist of fate Poirot is called upon to unravel the web of secrets and deceit
surrounding the mysterious poisoning at Styles Court and the classic whodunnit ensues.
The accompanying study guide is an essential tool for all reading groups and individuals
interested in the literary works of Agatha Christle. It includes 12 thought-provoking
discussion questions to help your book club become a renowned success. These study
guides are designed to help you engage readers in your club to share, reflect and enjoy
with a deeper understanding fo her work.
Agatha Christie initially received 6 rejections, she finally managed to get The Mysterious
Affair at Styles published. She went on to write 66 detective novels, 14 short story
collections and the longest running play "The Mousetrap". According to UNESCO's
Index Translationum, she remains the most-translated individual anthor - into more than
100 languages around the world. She died at the age of 85, having contributed a wealth
of literature for generations to enjoy.


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