首页 练字文章 因果关系 进阶版

因果关系 进阶版

2024-08-21 10:01  浏览数:158  来源:13972033730    

1. Previous studies have firmly established a causal link between [cause] and [effect],
as demonstrated by [sources].
2. Research papers in the field of [relevant field] consistently suggest that [cause] is
a key determinant leading to [effect], with evidence such as [sources]
3. According to a comprehensive review of the literature on [topic], it is clear
that [cause] has a significant impact on [effect], as supported by studies including ... .
4. Literature on [subject matter] indicates a strong causal connection between [cause]
and [effect], with research findings showing [findings].
5. Analyses of relevant literature reveal that [cause] is directly responsible for
[effect], as evidenced by the data reported in [sources].


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