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2024-08-06 10:15  浏览数:147  来源:小键人14566902    

The picture illustrates a variety of raw materials making up a delicious and
nourishing cultural hotpot. These materials ranging from Confucianism,
Beijing Opera, Kung Fu, kindheartedness to ballet, Einstein, Shakespeare
-could be categorized as literature, moralvalues and performing arts,
with a blend of typical concepts of Chinese and westernculture.
Simple as the picture is, the real purpose of the author
is to inform us of the significance of assimilating and absorbing
native and foreign cultures in modern society.
Such phenomenon is particularly worth praising against the social background
that people in growing numbers focus too much upon wealth and fame,
totally turning a blind eye tothe value of traditional and modern cultures.
The underlying reason for such a problem is that our society has becoming
increasingly benefit-oriented and ignores mentalcultivation.
In fact, taking in various cultures can broaden our horizons and enrich our mind,
which is beneficial to out all-round and sustained development.
If we could not take a correct attitude towards diverse cultures,
we would pay a heavy price sooner or later.


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