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2024-08-02 14:23  浏览数:110  来源:小键人14590880    

i like this television very much how much does it cost please
it's the most expensive model in the shop it costs five hundred pounds
that's too expensive for us
we can't afford all that miney
this model's less expensive than that one
it's only three hundred pounds
but,of courde it's not as good as the expensive one
i don't like this model
the other model's more expensive
but it's worth the money
can we buy it on instalments
of course
you can pay a deposit of thirty pounds,and then fourteen pound a month for three years
do you like it ,dear
i certainly do, but i don't like the price
you always want the bast,but we can't afford it
sometimes you think you're a millionaire
millionaires don't buy things on instalments


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