首页 练字文章 英语学习


2024-07-24 14:37  浏览数:206  来源:坑了我    

Dear Jack,
I am deeply sorry to hear that you did not do well in your recent English midterm exam.
Today,I am writing to encourage you and share my experience in learning.
To begin with,I suggest that you prepare in advance and it is full preparation that
enables you to do well in tests.A case in point is myself.Compared with others,I am not
smarter,but full preparation bring me confidence,arouse my passion for learning,and helps
me succeed.In addition,you are also supposed to consult your professor about methods of
learning,which will help to improve your grades.
To conclude,I deem that if you do your utmost to prepare in advance and improve efficiency
,you will do better in your next exam.
Yours sincerely,
Li Ming


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